Last updated at Tue, 09 Apr 2024 17:14:30 GMT

众所周知,由于数据的密集轰炸,安全团队感到四面受敌, events, and alerts generated by their security tools, 更不用说不断增加的预算审查和不断困扰网络安全从业者的人力资源限制了.

诀窍是在内部团队必须完成多少任务与他们可以放弃多少任务之间找到适当的平衡 managed security service providers (MSSPs).

Historically, success in security operations (SecOps) was measured by how quickly teams could react to incoming threats; but the sheer number of alerts that require humans-in-the-loop to determine the accuracy and severity of security events make it nearly impossible for teams to keep up. Additionally, 今天在一个给定的组织中部署的工具的数量——更不用说使这些工具协同工作所需的复杂性了——意味着单独的反应无论如何都无法完成工作.

Unfortunately, 许多mssp在没有昂贵的咨询协议的情况下,没有采取足够的措施来消除客户的嘈杂警报, 这样一来,评估和补救事故的负担又回到了已经捉襟危肘的内部团队身上.

Traditional approaches have the added disadvantages of being too siloed, too slow, too antiquated for cloud environments, and too convoluted to demonstrate their value. Analysts at a leading research firm predict that within the next 12-18 months, 由于缺乏预算等资源限制,目前拥有内部安全职能的组织中有33%将尝试建立有效的内部安全运营,但未能成功, expertise, and staffing. Analysts further expect that within the next 12-18 months, 90%的内部SecOps会将至少50%的运营工作负载外包出去——这使得选择一个你信任的MSSP变得至关重要.

mssp使组织能够最大限度地提高弹性,同时最大限度地降低复杂性并优化员工资源. 市场上最好的解决方案将通过将漏洞管理和管理检测和响应(MDR)统一为一个整体来提高效率和整合, cohesive security service built by practitioners for practitioners. They will offer 24x7x365 services that “follow the sun” (meaning no one service center is responsible for 100% of support calls; the work is distributed in certified centers of excellence around the world) so that top-notch support is readily available where and when you need it. 完整的覆盖范围和端到端检测和响应服务意味着您可以确信您的团队随时准备好应对接下来发生的事情.

但是选择一个避免一刀切的方法的MSSP是很重要的. Rather, 寻找一个动态且足够灵活的合作伙伴,以满足您组织的特定风险概况和业务优先级, 它的适应性足以适应不断发展的威胁和攻击媒介的变化.

与合适的MSSP合作还可以使您针对当今的分布式环境优化您的SecOps, built for the speed and scale of the cloud. Operating in the cloud means you can integrate hundreds of services with the thousands of devices connecting to them seamlessly and in real time; it also means you must protect and secure a sprawling surface with a multitude of potential entry points that threat actors can exploit.

To meet the challenge, choose an MSSP that offers complete coverage from a single, end-to-end solution so that you’re not left responding to an overabundance of events, alerts, and false positives or trying to protect an attack surface too big to contain.

Look for providers that deliver unlimited data, unlimited incident response, and unlimited intelligence so that when a forensic analysis is performed, 他们详细的补救和缓解建议确保您能够提高对未来威胁的恢复能力. 在不幸的事件中,一个漏洞变成了一个全面的事件响应参与, 您需要一个24小时与您一起进行取证调查的合作伙伴,并提供答案,以便尽快将攻击者从您的环境中移除,而不收取额外的咨询费.

与成熟的MSSP合作还将提高您对所有服务和设备的可视性,从而预测最迫在眉睫的风险, prevent attacks earlier, and respond to events faster. Additionally, 通过统一的端点到云覆盖范围,包括大规模威胁暴露可管理性的合作可以在任何地方识别和响应威胁,同时打破阻碍效率和减少协作的功能和地理孤岛.

威胁搜索和补丁管理等关键功能可以跨许多工具和流程实现自动化,以减少对手工工作的依赖. 机器学习和人工智能模型可以与内部威胁遥测数据和聊天机器人配对,以对事件进行分类, increase staff productivity, 或者生成支持跨企业更有针对性和优先级的威胁管理的威胁报告.

Best of all, 人工智能和自动化的成功使用可以帮助减少在您的环境中操作的工具的数量, which in turn decreases the complexity and cost of security operations.

It’s time to gain the edge over attackers and keep up with the fluid, 通过消除任何出现的威胁,并在杀伤链的早期主动预防破坏,不断扩大威胁范围. 与受信任的MSSP合作将使您能够准确而全面地管理威胁暴露, improve your signal-to-noise ratio, demonstrate tangible ROI from your security investments, and continually advance your security posture.
